Thursday 17 March 2016

Messi floors Ronaldo Again

Nissan have teamed up with Loughborough University to find out what makes football so exciting for fans Ronaldo and Messi British men find watching Lionel Messi more exciting than any other players in the Uefa Champions League, according to a survey by Nissan as part of their Excitement Index. 
   64% of Brits stated they found Messi exciting to watch with Barcelona team-mate 
Luis Suarez (47%) coming second and Real Madrid rival Cristiano Ronaldo (25%) coming third. British fans are also looking forward to Leicester City’s imminent debut season in next season’s Uefa Champions League. 
22% of Brits claimed they find Leicester exciting to watch, ranking them above the last two season’s beaten finalists, Atletico Madrid and Juventus! Moving away from the pitch slightly, British men get more excited about watching football than having sex. 
56% of men in Britain stated watching their favourite team provides them with more excitement than getting intimate with their loved ones. When asked to rate the two aspects of their lives they found most exciting, nearly one in three (30%) chose their football club, compared to less than one in five (16%) who chose their job.

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