Saturday 5 March 2016

Don't Use Second-Hand Phones. NCC Warns Nigerians

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has warned
Nigerians to desist from the use of second hand and substandard
mobile phones, saying such devices pose greater risk to the users.
Executive Vice Chairman of the Commission, Professor Umaru
Garba Danbatta gave the advise at the occasion marking NCC
special day at the ongoing 37th Kaduna International Trade Fair.
Professor Dambatta who was represented by Hajia Maryam Bayi
debunked insinuation that telecom facilities like masts and towers
pose health hazards to residents around such facilities, saying cell
phones, pose greater health risks than masts.
While highlighting the numerous roles of NCC towards ensuring
that telecom subscribers get the best of service from their service
providers, the telecoms regulatory agency said, consumers must
also play their roles accordingly in other to receive quality service.
According to him, “the use of substandard and counterfeit
devices, have been identified as one of the reasons for poor
quality of service.
“Today, there are different types of handset in the market. Some of
these devices have been used and dropped in the other parts of
the world. Some are devices that did not meet international
benchmarks for safety and other requirements,” he said.

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