Saturday, 5 March 2016

7 Things Guys Should Learn From A Lion

This write up is for those with intelligent mind. Be patient enough to read it to the end cos there's one or two things to be learnt from the 7 things guys should learn from a lion.

1. He has a pride

Every lion has a pride made up of about 15 females and numerous cubs all governed by him. This makes him respected in the jungle as
the King. Without a pride, he will be a nomad roaming aimlessly in the jungle with hyenas ready to taunt and steal his meal from him. As a
human, your pride should be your achievements in life such as academic achievement, career path, political, economical and social
status etc. Without the above, you won't be able to command respect among your peers or in the jungle called your neighbourhood. No lady
will find you attractive for dating. Your pride is what will make you stay away from rolling with riff raffs otherwise Known as hyenas  the jungle.

2. He's depended on

When a girl has a certain desire she feels her parents can't fulfill, she tends to reach out to her boyfriend. Her desire could be for a brand
new phone, a piece of jewelery or some cash which might be  her reach. She expects her guy to come in with his strenght  might to rescue her from the situation by providing her desire. When
the females in a lion's pride come across a very large animal such  a buffalo or giraffe during a hunt, the animal might be very difficult to
kill. They try every effort of theirs all to no avail. That's when the  of the jungle wades in with his strenght, might and fierce look to bring down the large animal so as to provide a meal for his females. Be like a a provider.

3. Lion's den

Before a goat is thrown into a lion's den, it shivers out of fear cos  knows what will become of it- death. But if the goat leaves the lion's den unhurt, it looses respect for the King of the jungle. The vwhy your new girl is turning down the invitation to your house  simply because of fear of what might happen. She knows you  most likely want to have sex with her. After summoning courage to
visit you, failure to have sex with her will make her see you as a weakling. Forget about being a perfect gentleman, if she leaves without getting kissed, to say the least, then you might be termed a cat in lion's clothing. It takes a miracle for a goat to escape a lion's den; maybe the lion wasn't hungry. Even at that, the goat still leaves
with multiple scars inflicted on it by the lion who makes his  clear that it is not an animal to toy with. #Note: Do not rape. Use  seductive skills.

4. He marks his territory

The jungle is a place full of stiff competition. Even as king of the jungle, the lion is always wary of youngsters and nomads who might want to stage a take over of his pride. To keep them distance away, he roars and goes round his territory marking it with his urine which acts as a scent that ward off intruders. Never lose your guard when in public with your girlfriend. Hold her hands, touch her cheeks, wrap your arm around her shoulders, whisper words in her ear(even if shevwould have heard you distance away) etc. Those are ways in which you can mark your territory and send a clear message to guys around who might want to snatch her right in front of you.

5. He destroys rivals

Always withold words about your  achievement or status from your girl, cos not doing so might equate to advertising him to your  as better than you. For example, telling your girl about the new ride your friend just bought is almost like doing great harm to yourself. She might wonder why such goodie didn't happen to you. This is why
most guys lose their girlfriend to their best friend. A lion condones rivalry. Once he sees that the younger males are beginning to come of age, he brutally sends them out of his pride before the females start to find their young looks attractive. No matter how old and wrinkle he gets, he has to be their only King.

6. He doesn't beg for sex

A lion doesn't go about troubling his females for sex. He spends  time doing meaningful things cos he knows they'll come to him when they are in heat. Guys shouldn't always demand for sex vfrom their girl. They should wait till she's ready. That way, they stay control and don't appear like a weakling that can be trapped by sex.

7. He's Handsome

A lion is every inch glorious. His mane is furry. His tail his hard.  has a mass of muscles which make him tough. His eyes are golden and full of fire etc. But no matter how handsome you think he is, you
dare not stand to stare at it. That's how tough a lion is. He roars and the jungle shivers. He walks pass and the zebras and buffalos make way. If a man commands such aura, every female will fall at his vMake sure you bring out the handsomeness in you. Try working out regularly and keep a clean haircut. Wear nice clothes that fit. In all, make sure you look good but not soft like a mummy's boy with  lips and trimmed eyebrows almost looking like a female. Be a handsome and tough.

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