Thursday 17 March 2016

A Petition by An Angry Candidate who scored 90 in Jamb

Dear Jamb
My name is Yaniel Yogene, i am came from Nigeria,.
I writed Jamb and scoring 90. That was a big fat lie, I say is a big
serious fat lie because I doing lesson for 1 months and I count my
book very well.
I supposing to getting 95 in Inglich and 90 in Litirachure but you gaven
me 15 in Inglich and 20 in Litirachure.
Did me not didding my CRS very well? Did Jonah not staying in the lion
hole and Elijah sleeping in the shark belle?
Did Daniel not calling down fire with Baal and and Samuel leding Israel
from Egypt?
Did something very fast fast because i can not took that mark. In facts,
I supposing to be scoring 280.
You us faithfoolly
Yaniel Yogene

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